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Run With Ron 

Ron Scolesdang is running for Mayor of Irvine in 2023. He is a family man that has been involved with business, martial arts, and community service for over 20 years. You can help make a difference in Irvine by donating to Ron's campaign. Your donation will support Ron's vision for a better Irvine, with improved infrastructure, safer communities, and better educational opportunities for all residents. Every little bit helps, so please consider making a donation today.

Ron Scolesdang is a man of the people, and he wants to hear from you. Host a meet-and-greet event at your home or business, and invite Ron to come speak with your friends, family, and colleagues. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Ron's vision for Irvine, and to share your own ideas and concerns with him. Contact us today to schedule an event.


We need your help to get Ron elected as Mayor of Irvine. Volunteers are the backbone of any successful campaign, and we welcome anyone who is willing to donate their time and energy to the cause. Whether you want to knock on doors, make phone calls, or help with administrative tasks, there is a role for you on our team. Contact us today to learn more about how you can become a volunteer.


Ron Scolesdang is committed to making Irvine a better place to live, work, and raise a family. But he can't do it alone. Your donation will help support Ron's campaign, and will allow him to reach more voters with his message of hope and change. Please consider making a donation today, and together we can build a brighter future for Irvine.

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